Tuesday, January 5, 2010

'American Idol' rocks the decade

It's hard to believe, but we've reached the end of the first decade of the 21st century. While there are numerous lists of the "best of" this and that all over the Web, there don't seem to be many that recognize the significance and impact American Idol on pop culture.

American Idol debuted in June 2002 as a FOX summer replacement show. All the major networks had turned it down and the only reason FOX picked it up was because the daughter of one of the network executives had seen Pop Idol in the U.K. and convinced her father the show would work in the U.S. She was right. The show was an instant hit.

Over its eight seasons, Idol has remained number one in the Neilsen ratings. No other show in history has accomplished this and only two others - All in the Family and The Cosby Show have come even close with five top rated seasons each.

An entire subculture has grown up around the show, spawning hundreds of Web sites, fansites, merchandise, and of course, music, both good and not so good! In the seven years since the conclusion of American Idol 1, contestants have sold nearly 45 million albums. Idol alum have moved into the mainstream of pop, rock, and country music, and forged successful careers.

Here's a list of what I see as the best and worst of Idol.

Best Idol Winner

This is a close one, but for me, at least, the best Idol winner has to be Kelly Clarkson, the first season's winner. Maybe it's because she was the first, but in terms of artistic ability, creativity, and longevity, Kelly has proven her mettle. She's had her ups and downs, to be sure, but in the end, she's prevailed and her music is better than ever. Not only does she record well, her live performances are outstanding. Kelly hasn't lost touch with her roots and remains the same dorky girl we fell in love with eight years ago.

Worst Idol Winner

It pains me to do this, but I'm giving this one to Taylor Hicks. Now, don't get me wrong, he is entertaining and creative, and I personally loved him on the show, but in terms of post-Idol success, Taylor Hicks has been a dismal failure. His debut album was a travesty in terms of showcasing his strengths. Instead, it was a weak attempt to try and mold him into some kind of pop singer. It didn't work. What's sad is that live, Taylor Hicks is incredible. Season 5 should have been Daughtry's, that's pretty clear, but it became a popularity contest and Taylor lost by winning.

Best Idol Season

This is a tough one to call because there have been several notable seasons, but I'm calling it for Season 2. This was, of course, the season of Ruben vs. Clay, pop vs. R&B, and emotions were incredibly high. This was the first season fans were able to interact on message boards and witnessed the rise of the first fanatic fan bases. The finale, which was watched by 38 million people, was one of the most dramatic in the series and the outcome is one that is still hotly debated by the Idol faithful.

Worst Idol Season

On the heels of Season 5 and the excitement that group generated, Season 6 fell flatter than a pancake! From the start, something seemed to be missing and the group never really seemed to gel. While Jordin Sparks has had a respectable career post-Idol, her victory seemed rather ho-hum considering her opponent (Blake Lewis). Of course, we will always have Sanjaya as a benchmark from that season, but that's really not enough to elevate Season 6 from the basement.

Best Idol Coronation Song

This category includes the songs written for both the winner and runner-up. For me, the best of these was Fantasia's "I Believe." The song is the least maudlin and really spoke to the moment. Fantasia had struggled to overcome all sorts of adversity and made no secret of her faith. Her finale performance of this song was incredible and remains one of my favorites ever. Runner-up in this category is Kelly Clarkson's "A Moment Like This" because it was the first and it really was a moment.

Worst Idol Coronation Song

Can I say all the rest! No? Well then, I'd have to pick "My Destiny," with which Katharine McPhee was saddled Season 5. The song was completely out of her range, she had no idea how to sing it, the lyrics were insipid, and her performance was horrendous. Interestingly, this was the only time she ever had to sing the song in public! Runner-up would be "No Boundaries," which both Adam Lambert and Kris Allen were forced to sing Season 8. This one is so bad, it was dropped from the Idol tour set list! Still, not as bad as "My Destiny!"

Best Idol Performance

There have been many stellar performances over the years, but my favorite is Bo Bice's a capella performance of Badland's "In a Dream' during the Season 4 Top 3 round. Bo took a huge risk, stepping out on the stage lit by a spotlight and singing this song note-perfect without accompaniment. It was a stunning moment. Runner-up in this category is Adam Lambert's "Mad World."

Worst Idol Performance

Again, there are many from which to choose, but the most memorably bad would be Sanjaya Malakar's "Bathwater." Not only was the singing horrendous, but that was the night Sanjaya broke out the infamous "Ponyhawk," a moment that will live in Idol history! Runner-up would be Megan Joy's "Rockin' Robin!"

Best Contestant (Strategy)

This one comes down to David Cook and Adam Lambert, but I'm giving it to Cook because he was the first contestant to admit to having a survival strategy. Over the course of the competition, David Cook amassed a catalog of performances that had a nice flow. While others before him had taken standards and twisted them up, Cook was able to create new music in the process. His performance of "Billie Jean" set the standard and remains one of the most interesting performances in the history of the show.

Worst Contestant (Strategy)

This has to go to Season 6's Chris Sligh. Did he even have a strategy or was his sole purpose to make the Top 10 and get on the tour. Sligh is a talented musician and excellent vocalist, but all this was overshadowed in an attempt for him to show he was a funny guy. It didn't work. His performances never lived up to his potential and his humor fell flat. He was eliminated way to soon.

Most Robbed Contestant

Most people would say this should go to Jennifer Hudson, and certainly, her post-Idol career would warrant this. Sure, she was eliminated far to early, but her performances weren't consistent. One week she'd knock it out of the park, the next, she'd fall flat. Based solely on Idol performances, this designation has to go to Melinda Doolittle. She never had a bad performance and remains one of the best pure vocalists the show has ever seen. Her mistake was probably that she was too humble. I think that cost her the crown. No way should Blake Lewis been the runner-up that season.

Most Shocking Idol Moment

Hands down, the most shocking Idol moment ever was the elimination of Chris Daughtry! Not that this is unwarranted. Daughtry should have won that season. His post-Idol sales have proven that. But the fact that he seemed to assume his place in the Top 2 made his shocking boot a moment to remember. We'll never forget Katharine McPhee's expression - her mouth wide open in absolute shock - as Ryan read Chris' name! Wow! Runner-up for this nod is Tamyra Gray who was also eliminated fourth in favor of the insipid and untalented Nikki McKibbon. Talk about being robbed!

Best Idol Vocalist

This is tricky, but I'm giving it to Elliott Yamin. The tone and texture of his vocals remains unparalleled. He couldn't compete with the antics of Taylor Hicks that season in terms of popularity, but he sang rings around him. That he was third over Katharine McPhee is still unbelievable. Runner-up here is Melinda Doolittle.

Worst Idol Vocalist

Mikalah Gordon takes this one hands down! She couldn't hold a note and her vocals were all over the map. Her performance of "Love Will Lead You Back" is notable for it's complete failure to achieve even a modicum of tonality.

Best Idol Moment

The best moment for me came during the Season 4 finale when Bo Bice took the stage with his idols, Lynyrd Skynyrd. The performance was pure joy and Bo's excitement was completely non-manufactured. He's since acknowledged this was his moment as well. He didn't win that year and his career hasn't been what I'd hoped, but Bo experienced something that night he will remember forever.

Worst Idol Moment

Again, this is purely personal, but for me, the worst moment in the entire eight seasons came the night George Huff was eliminated. George brought so much joy to that season, which was really a dreary affair. His enthusiasm was contagious and his faith inspiring. I loved George that season and cried like a fool when he was eliminated.

Best Post-Idol Album

In my opinion, the best post-Idol album is Jennifer Hudson's self-titled debut. It's an eclectic mix of R&B, hip-hop, pop, and gospel, and gives authenticity to this talented Idol. Jennifer can sing anything and this album proves it. My favorite track it "You Pulled Me Through," ironic in that while it was recorded before the tragedies that rocked her world, the lyrics speak to her loss and gives voice to the depths to which she fell. Love it. Runner-up is Carrie Underwood's Carnival Ride. I'm not a real country fan, but I love this album!

Worst Post-Idol Album

Corey Clark's debut album sold less than 3,000 copies and is the undisputed champ in terms of the worst of the worst. He is also the most despicable character ever to grace the Idol stage! His album was tripe and he ended up selling it out of the trunk of his car.

So there you have it! I'm sure not everyone will agree with me, but that's what the show is all about.

American Idol has not only launched music careers, it has also offered me an opportunity to become an entertainment writer. My first Idol article was published on the Foxes on Idol Web site in 2003 and I've been writing about the show ever since. From there, I moved on to have the first entertainment blog on syracuse.com, which eventually morphed into Idol Thoughts.

I now have a successful entertainment blog of my own and will continue to write about the show here. I have been published all over the world, written four books on the subject, and have been interviewed by several national publications. I have also had a chance to meet and get to know some of the Idols, and have even forged a friendship with a couple.

The ninth season of Idol starts January 12 at 8 p.m. on FOX with the Boston auditions. Are you ready to start this madness all over again?

Update: In response to several comments below, this is an opinion piece. Of course I recognize Carrie Underwood and her contributions to both country and pop music since winning Idol. She's surpassed Kelly in U.S. album sales and remains true to her roots. In addition, I really admire her work ethic, values, and yes, her music.

As for Kellie Pickler and others that I did not mention, I could have written a book about all the different Idols I have enjoyed over the years. In fact, I have! The thing that makes Idol so interesting is that we all have our favorites and I appreciate the discourse and discussion!

Happy New Year! And let's hope that Time Warner and FOX can resolve this dispute so we will be able to watch this season.


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