Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Jordin Sparks Q&A: 'Hopefully I'll make some good decisions.'

Larry Rodgers
The Arizona Republic
Nov. 12, 2007 12:00 AM

With the release of her self-titled debut album Nov. 20, Glendale's Jordin Sparks takes her first step away from the cocoon of American Idol.

Sparks, 17, who came out on top this year in the sixth season of the Fox TV series, toured with other "Idol" contestants for much of the summer and early fall.

Now, she turns her focus to promoting the album and its first single, Tattoo, and looking toward touring as a solo artist.

QUESTION: With the American Idol tour wrapping up, how did it feel to be looking at this next phase of your career?

ANSWER: It's very bittersweet because everyone is excited to go on to their own careers and move on. But at the same time, we've been all we've known for the past year. So it's going to be kind of weird. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself!

Q: You've signed with Jive Records, which has been home to Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake and the Backstreet Boys. Does it feel like a good fit?

A: I'm really excited. I'm the first Idol to go to that record label, so hopefully I can do them proud. It's really cool because I've listened to all the artists that have come off this label - Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Pink, Chris Brown and T-Pain. It's cool to be part of that family.

Q: How big of a role has 19 Entertainment chief Simon Fuller (who launched American Idol) had in this album?

A: He is so sweet and he definitely knows what's he's doing. Everybody (whose work) he has had a hand in has been so successful, so I'm definitely listening to him. He listens to the songs and says whether or not he likes them, and then we all decide. It's cool because it's not like I don't have any say at all in choosing the songs.

Q: It sounds like you immediately fell in love with Tattoo when you first heard it.

A: I did. It was one of the first songs that I was pitched for my album. They played it and I started freaking out (saying), "I have to have this on my album. I want it." A few weeks later, we recorded it in one day, and it went really well.

Q: Do you have any tattoos?

A: (Laughs) No I don't have any. Actually I did ask my mom if I could get one to commemorate having the single, but it didn't go over so well.

Q: Do you have a favorite track or two on the album?

A: I have this ballad called Permanent Monday, and it's so pretty. I love it. It's kind of the same thing as with Tattoo - as soon as I heard it, I was like, "This is a beautiful song. We recorded it in Omaha while I was on tour.

Q: Are you happy with the mix of songs you came up with?

A: I think I have a pretty good mix, but they also fit together at the same time.

Q: Would you like to do a solo tour to support the album?

A: Oh my goodness gracious, are you kidding? I would love to go on the road but I'm not sure if I could be the main act. I'm still getting used to it. I would love to open up for somebody. But I don't think I'm ready to put on a full two-hour show yet.

Q: Did it take a while to relax when playing for the large arena crowds on the Idol tour? Did the TV show get you ready for that?

A: I actually love performing in front of huge crowds. I love the energy that it exudes. Just standing there, gets me more excited and gets me more into the songs. It's the smaller crowds that I'm still getting used to because it's so intimate and they are so focused on you.

Q: What was it like to play for a huge hometown crowd in Arizona with the Idol tour?

A: Oh my gosh, I was so excited. A few days before, I was doing a countdown: "Two days before I go home, one day," and then we were there. We got home and had a couple hours, so we went over to my house, and all the Idols came over. My mom cooked dinner and we went swimming. We went and did the show and I just couldn't believe all the support that was there. When I got offstage, I started crying because I couldn't believe that I had come full circle.

Q: You'll be 18 on Dec. 22. How will that affect your outlook on things and how you run your career?

A: I'm actually kind of scared for my birthday to come up because everyone's saying, "You'll be making all the decisions when you're 18," and I'm like "Oh my goodness. OK, all right." I'll still be asking my mom and grandma for advice and I'm definitely going to be listening to the people around me because I don't know what I'm doing still. I'm new to this. I'll just keep asking for help and hopefully I'll make some good decisions.

Q: Beyond this CD, have you thought about doing more TV or perhaps acting in movies?

A: I would like to do some acting, maybe even Broadway. But maybe not this year because I'll be so busy with the album.

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